slc x hyper-realism
Through collaboration, the objective of this project was to create a hyper-realistic model of an interior space, conveying the atmosphere of “you are on a mountain and it’s snowing,” through the use of photography and model making. The relationship between the space and it’s digital context was explored as the project progressed
hyper-realistic < physical >
icon • index • symbol
hyper-realistic < digital >
These iterations of the use of icon and index were my most successful collages because they complimented each other very well in terms of technicality. For these collages, I used the image of the interior model as a base outline. I used the clipping mask tool on illustrator to create an outline and masked the icy texture. This icy texture took on the facade of the interior, resembling the shape and form of the window columns of the SLC building. The background texture used was a crumpled piece of paper, representing the working environment of the students inside the SLC. The usage of these two textures, one icy and other paper, show indexical like qualities within the collage because it can be used as evidence of the space that is being represented, relying on a physical connection to the original space and atmosphere. The use of icon is presented by using the shape of the original space of the interior as a masked textured surface. The shape of the space resembles the original space directly through its physical representation, therefore, creating an icon.